The Margaret Thatcher Foundation was formed in 1991 to advance the cause of political and economic freedom.
The Foundation has five broad goals:
1. To promote the widest possible acceptance of democracy, market principles, the rule of law, and strong defence
2. To encourage strong transatlantic links between Britain, Europe, and North America
3. To assist and encourage the peoples of the former communist countries and other oppressive regimes across the world as they adopt democracy
4. To foster greater contact between Western nations and those of the Middle East in the region's search for a lasting peace with security
5. To further free trade throughout the world
The Foundation has five broad goals:
1. To promote the widest possible acceptance of democracy, market principles, the rule of law, and strong defence
2. To encourage strong transatlantic links between Britain, Europe, and North America
3. To assist and encourage the peoples of the former communist countries and other oppressive regimes across the world as they adopt democracy
4. To foster greater contact between Western nations and those of the Middle East in the region's search for a lasting peace with security
5. To further free trade throughout the world
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