Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Little Bits of Honey Memorial Fund

The “Little Bits of Honey Memorial Fund” was set up to help parents, whose babies fall victim to SIDS, afford funeral, burial and grave site costs. As we are sure you can understand no parent is prepared to bury their infant and in many cases such a large expense is very difficult or even impossible. The average funeral costs alone are $2000.00, which does not include the burial, grave, headstone, flowers, prayer cards, etc. Parents are looking at bills totaling over $5000.00 + for the most basic service/burial. Parents are now not only left with the shock and devastation of their loss, but financial issues as well. The memorial fund will help with just this issue. The parents/families will be able to contact the fund to receive help with these costs. We know we cannot ease the burden of their loss, but we are sure we can help relieve some overwhelming heartache that comes with not being financially able to bury your infant. It is a very true reality that if the parents/families are unable to pay for the services, the babies are left with only a county burial, which in most counties due to limited land space, that is a county cremation.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Bo Schembechler

DVD-Bo Memorial
Reflections: Jim Brandstatter, Mary Sue Coleman, Bill Martin,
Rev. Cory Randall, Lloyd Carr, Jamie Morris, John Robinson, Reggie Mckenzie, Gary Moeller, Bob Forman, Dan Dierdorf, Shemy Shembechler. 2 hours long. All proceeds from this DVD will benefit the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center's Bo Schembechler Heart of a Champion Fund to attack this disease.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Tanya Memme

Tanya Memme has a new CD. It is available here.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mack McCarthy

Mack McCarthy is the new head basketball coach at East Carolina.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Brad Wilkerson

In 2000, Brad Wilkerson decided to give back to the
places he first learned to play sports. Six years ago, Brad decided to have a charity golf tournament in Owensboro, Kentucky to help raise money for the United Way and the Boys and Girls Club of America. Through
his efforts, The Brad Wilkerson Charity Golf Classic has donated over $150,000 to these programs. Money is not all that Brad donates. While in Washington D.C., Brad became friends with a young man who was injured during the War in Iraq. Once he was released, Brad arranged for his new friend to throw out the first pitch at a baseball game.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Crash

Northwest flight 255 was preparing for takeoff on the evening of August 16, 1987. Bound for Phoenix and continuing on to Orange County, the DC-9 was carrying 148* passengers and six crew members. The aircraft was cleared for takeoff on Detroit Metro's runway 03C and began its takeoff roll. After an longer than normal roll, the aircraft lifted off and immediately began rocking laterally.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wuerffel Trophy

About Wuerffel Trophy

The All Sports Assocation membership is made up of dues paying volunteers whose primary mission is to provide contribution of time to raise money for local youth oriented non-profit organizations with an emphasis on sports programs. Through the efforts of the association with the annual banquet, the group helps fund numerous worthwhile sports organizations and charitable causes. Main beneficiaries of the All Sports Association are the local YMCA, Boys and Girls Club and Special Olympics.